Other Projects

Lleisiau Bach Little Voices methods were used in various ways in projects outside the local and international work described in our Local Projects and International Work pages.

For example, the Lleisiau Bach team:

  • supported several post graduate researchers to build aspects of the methodology into their empirical work
  • worked with partner organisations to enable participative methods derived from the methodology to contribute to service evaluation, for example when the Observatory and partners conducted an evaluation of Hafal’s pilot intervention for early-stage responses to psychosis in young people, ‘Up4It’. You can read the young people’s report on our Resources page here.
  • enabled children to contribute their experiences of research and change-making, and their understanding of how rights helped support them, to the Senedd Committee on Children Young People and Education’s Inquiry into Children’s Rights in Wales
  • helped a local secondary school in the inaugural year of its whole school parliament, sharing Lleisiau Bach Little Voices methods to help the several parliamentary committees conduct research on their selected priorities with their peers and to prepare to engage with the school’s governors to build on their recommended changes. This project formed part of a research initiative by the Observatory@Swansea University, called ‘Understanding Participation’. You can read about it here.
  • trained members of the first Welsh Youth Parliament in the Lleisiau Bach approach, supporting them to adapt it for use when researching their own selected priorities.

The team remains active in helping different projects to use or adapt the approach in various settings. Ideas, inquiries and suggestions are always welcome.